1 year fighting spam!
Published on Apr 15th 2015, 19:13:05 UTC by nkIt's been 1 year since the NoSpamme.rs site has been fully on service fighting spam and preventing aggressive spammers! More than 800 temporary mailboxes created, 500 forwardings and more than 2300 e-mails stopped before they flooded your mailboxes...
We really want to say a big THANK YOU for your support. Without you, your donations and confidence we wouldn't have gone such a long way.
To celebrate, we've thrown out one of our domains (fuckspam.ninja) as our policy is to gradually acquire domains so some sites cannot block our addresses and consequently we're proud to introduce http://spammustdie.pw, http://spamwillnot.win and http://antispam.rocks
.Let's keep up for lots of years!
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Is it secure to use this service as far as privacy goes?

Despite one might think this is rather a passing through service, security is essential for usview more